Women of Prayer, Praise, & Power

Women of Prayer, Praise , & Power was established in May 2017.  In August 2019 we reorganized as a 501c-3 non-profit organization.  We believe that “Intentional Positive Intervention” will have a powerful positive impact in the world.  We focus on encouraging love to be the foundation in life.  We desire to demonstrate and encourage the love of God to be shared abroad.  Sharing love will help us to reignite and rebuild broken people.  As broken people are rebuilt, our Nation will benefit.

We also provide specialized support for our adolescents through our Mentoring and Coaching programs;

RUBIESRespectful United Beautiful Intelligent Exceptional Sisters for females, and
FRATSFuture Regulators Aiming To Succeed for males.

****We ask for your support with the “good” success of these programs, by way of faith, and action.  Join us in praying for the participants, as well as volunteers and financial supporters.  We appreciate you, and thank you for getting involved with making this vision a reality.

Our Core Values






But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

– Galatians 5:22-26

Who We Are

Our Founder

Vivian L. Williams-Wilhite

Vivian L. Williams-Wilhite

Founder & Leader

Personal and Educational Summary  

Vivian L. Williams-Wilhite, was born to Leon Williams and Pearl Hordge Williams on November 18, 1969.  She was raised with Christian values, and resided in Houston Texas since birth.  During her early years of life she lived in an area of Houston called ‘Fourth Ward”, also known as Freedman’s Town Historic District.  She attended “Magnet” schools in the Houston area for part of her elementary schooling thru middle school.  She entered Jack Yates high school in August of 1984, and was placed in “GT”(gifted & talented) classes.  She entered The Honors Program at Texas Southern University on an academic scholarship in August 1988.  During her high school years, Vivian met and dated her, now, husband Jessie Wilhite.  Vivian and Jessie got married and established a family of 4 children.  Despite the innumerable challenges Vivian faced through high school, she continued to stay focused academically.  In August of 1988, Vivian entered Texas Sothern University (“T.S.U”) on an academic scholarship as a member of the Honors Program. Vivian was also acknowledged on the National Dean’s List of College Students during her tenure at T.S.U.  Her college commencement was very unique, as she was the very last student to be called to cross the stage, for the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology was the last to be acknowledged that day, and her last name was Williams-Wilhite.  In May of 1996, Vivian received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology with an emphasis in Electronics Engineering.

Cultural and Character Summary 

Culturally, Vivian’s family adopted a collaborative approach with raising children in the family.  She has always had the support of her family, and truly enjoyed the elders.  Vivian was profoundly influenced by her maternal grandfather, Freddie Hordge.  He and an elder cousin, Pearl T. Hicks, did most of the baby sitting while her mother was out working.  They greatly impacted her spiritual growth by loving her, teaching her, taking her to church and praying with, and for her.  They were a great example of showing her how to serve others in a loving way while maintaining dignity.  The valuable seeds that they planted in her young life are continuing to flourish.  As she embarks upon this ministry of servanthood, by way of Women of Prayer, Praise & Power (WOPPP).  She is reminded that serving others is very rewarding, and she has a responsibility to teach others.   Vivian has served in organizations as President of Minister and Deacon Wives, Choir, Sunday School Teacher, and Intercessory Prayer Leader just to mention a few.  Vivian is a loving and compassionate person who is passionate about appropriate and continual growth and development.  As she worked with electronics engineering, she took a passionate interest in small components on a board having the ability to control the functionality of the computer.  Now, as she works with people, she has a passionate interest in how the brain has such control over the body.  She believes that by providing the proper stimulation and depositing the appropriate information to the brain, it will have a significant impact on the functionality of the body.  Though her Bachelor of Science emphasizes Electronic Engineering, she is called to function as an “Engineer”, beyond the scope of electronics.  Whereas she applied the principles of math and science as it related to electronics, now she is applying the principles of the “Bible”, as it relates to life.   She uses her gifts, skills, and abilities to help others navigate life.  She is grateful to be chosen and allotted the privilege to be a positive role model, mentor, and servant leader.

Professional Experience

Vivian worked part-time at The Prudential Insurance Company while going through college.  She began her career at Compaq Computer Corporation in 1996.   While working at Compaq, she built, repaired, and performed diagnosis on computer boards.  Vivian also had to evaluate, mediate, and/or resolve technical and operational issues.  After she transitioned from Compaq, as a Quality Engineer in 2002, she answered the instinctive call and established Royal-“T” Child Development Center, which was the beginning of her initial calling to the ministry of servanthood.  This transition was extreme, however she continued to use her skills and abilities concerning the developmental process, as she went from dealing with “chip-sets” to “mind-sets.”   She founded and successfully directed Royal-”T” C.D.C. from April of 2002 until March 21, 2016.  On March 21, 2016, an abrupt disruption occurred in her life, thrusting her into what seemed like a dark unknown world.  However, she was encouraged with the Word of God from Isaiah 54:17, just prior to the unexpected event.

She appreciates the opportunity to have performed in the arena of electronic engineering, as it helped her to develop in other areas of life.  She realizes that there are many categories of engineers, but they all are expected to have the same basic function, and that is to provide help for a solution.  Her perception is that an engineer is the “thinker” or the “go-to” person when there is a problem to be solved.  As a vessel in ministry, there are many types of “engineers”(Pastors, Teachers, Ministry Leaders, Disciples…) to provide assistance to those seeking an answer for life’s struggles, and they have the same basic responsibility, which is to make disciples according to The Word of God.  Vivian takes the approach to love until the sin is put to death, and life is resurrected.  She believes that a continual cycle of loving and forgiving will help with living a life of peace beyond understanding.  She is committed to using her knowledge, along with her personal and professional experiences to help others overcome struggles in their life.  Vivian is highly qualified and committed to implementing problem solving techniques for issues.  Her training and development process started very early in her life.  She also, has experience with marketing and designing, and will use those skills to function as a “Discipleship Engineer.”  Vivian’s character is one of courage, prudence, and optimism as well.  She hopes to provide continued, significant contributions for helping people become a disciple for Christ, and maximize their potential to live a joyful, healthy and wholesome life through the appropriate development and use of the mind with the application of the Word of God.  Her life experiences allow her to be a testament to what God can bring one through, despite how deplorable a situation may be.  She is grateful for her life challenges and successes, and attributes “All Glory To God.”

Affiliations & Achievements  

  • Christian Wife (30+ years of marriage) and Mother (4 biological children)
  • Entrepreneur
  • Engineer
  • Mentor
  • Life Coach
  • Author (aka. Vivacious Vivian)
  • Ministry Leader
  • CPR Instructor
  • Notary
  • Early Childhood Professional
  • TXAEYC member( Texas Association for the Education of Young Children)
  • NAEYC member(National Association for the Education of Young Children)

This information was all provided to show that Vivian has fostered a tenacious spirit from her youth.  Despite being raised in neighborhoods that weren’t the most affluent areas of Houston, she didn’t allow her struggles to stop her from accomplishing her goals.  As a life coach and mentor she will share her experiences and knowledge with others to encourage them to accomplish their goals.  Her life is a testament to God’s immutability and faithfulness.

Believe – Achieve – Succeed!